Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dotori Restuarant

Well tonight we went out for dinner to celebrate my birthday. Since we have been here I have heard good things about a restuarant by the name of Dotori. Well we finally found it, beautiful drive to get there and had a very good dinner. We had smoked duck, pork belly, beef, sausage and shrimp. I must say that the duck was very good and so was the beef. It came to the table cooked but all got put on a hot grill in front of us on a spit. Of course all Zane wanted was the ice cream seeing as he saw the machine as we walked in the door. He did finally get his ice cream after he ate his dinner.  It was a new experience but Jim and I agree that it is a great date night place! The restuarant sits on a lake and has a playground for kids along with a slide that goes into a swimming pool, kid friendly. Of course it was raining so Zane didn't get to go in the pool. While at dinner, Zane and I seemed to have chopstick issues, dropping a combination of three, 2 for Zane and 1 for me. Jim on the other hand did much better than we did with his chopsticks!

I hope you enjoy the pictures and are all doing well.

Love and miss you all,

Friday, June 4, 2010


Well it is true that they grow up way to fast and that the things that come out of their mouth is priceless.This past week Zane has been sick so he would tell us, "I want my energy. Need more energy." He is back to his normal energizedself.

Last night, just a laugh made by parents, as he was picking up his toys, he had two footballs so he says, "I have two balls." And he did, one under each arm. 

This morning he had to wear his new uniform to school and it is plaid. Zane says, "no mommy, I don't wear this one, my other uniform." I guess it doesn't matter how old they get boys don't like plaid.

I am sure that over the years we will have many more things come out of his mouth that are cute and not so cute.

Just thought I would share.

Love you all,