Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Here I go again- another post but not relating to Korea in anyway, well not visiting the country or an activity we have done, but how God is calling me into doing something and I can't dis-obey Him at all!  As you can see He wants me to talk about that nasty word, Obedience. I know we all dislike that word as it can be so hard to be obedient- not just to God but in-regards to anything.

Webster's defines obedience as an act or instance of obeying, the quality or state of being obedient and a sphere of jurisdiction; especially : an ecclesiastical or sometimes secular dominion. I have some issues understanding the last definition and really like what my Bible says better:   submissiveness to authority, following orders. That definition is easier to understand but being obedient isn't an easy task!

 I first thought of this topic while I was sitting outside waiting for Zane to get home from school. I was watching the cars zip up and down the street, some of them going much faster than they needed to be moving. I was thinking to myself what would happen if the drivers of Korea and probably America and other places, actually followed the rules of the road. Even more so what would happen if the police, especially in Korea, actually installed the rules of the road. Maybe drivers would slow down, traffic accidents wouldn't happen. We don't know what would happen but wouldn't it be nice if folks just followed the rules of the road because they wanted to be OBEDIENT and do the right thing. 

This hit me again this morning while ready Z his devotional for the day. It talked about listening and following directions given to a child by his parents. That they, the little ones, can learn from their mother and father. Now I know everyone doesn't have kids but let me tell you Zane is very strong-willed and hard-headed, look at his parents! He is very good at choosing to not listen and follow directions because he thinks he can do what he wants or that he doesn't have too. We talked about how listening to mommy and daddy is very important and that it is even more important to listen to God. Yes-earlier I said choose to listen. I truly believe that we do choose to hear what we want when we want. I am sure some of my former students will attest to that one!

Proverbs 6:20- Keep your father's commands. Don't forget your mother's teaching.

That verse says a lot. And I looked at it to not just mean my Earthly father but even more so my Heavenly Father. 

Well here I am choosing to listen to God and do what He is asking of me. He is asking me to start sharing my experiences, maybe in hopes of someone else coming to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior or for those who have known me awhile to see He got a hold of me and isn't letting go and you know what, I am not going to let go either.  Last week I gave it all to God and told him that I would start getting up at 0600 to take the dog out, it is getting really chilly at 0600, and have my quiet time. I even thought I might get a work-out in but not yet, Zane and early morning snuggles are so much better! Well last week I didn't get up at 0600 when the alarm went off but that might have been due to the fact that I was up with Zane a lot through the night. The past two mornings I have gotten up without an alarm. As a matter of fact it hasn't gone off, God is remembering my promise and holding me to it! I haven't been tired, my days don't seem hectic and I am seeking Him more than I have before.. Getting up before the boys and having time with God has really calmed down the mornings and other than a 4 year old wanting to listen to directions, things are going smoothly.

In becoming more intimate with God I am also becoming more obedient to Him. I am hearing Him more than before and even clearer. There are so many verses in the Bible that tell us to obey the Word of God and His commands, I don't know where to begin but I will give you a few to ponder over.

Proverbs 19:16 "He who obeys instructions guards his life, but he who is contemptuous of his ways will die,"

Acts 5:29 "Peter and the other apostles replied, "We must obey God rather than men!"

Luke 11:28 "He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

Romans 1:5 "Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith."

Romans 2:13 "For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous."

Romans 5:19 "For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous."

James 1:22 "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves, do what it says."

This might not all make sense but I am doing what God as asked me to do and that is sharing. Am I always obedient to God, no I am not. I make mistakes but I do ask for forgiveness of my sins thanks to the blood that was shed by Jesus Christ. I will continue to make mistakes along the way but I am a work in progress. I am learning that when I follow God's word and do what He asks that it is much easier to do and that the rewards outweigh the outcome!

God bless,


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bike rides

We have a favorite place to go bike riding with the kids and dogs. It is along the river in town and  there are no cars so everyone is pretty safe. Zane likes to go down there because I will let him bike without his helmet, I know bad mommy but it is very pretty and an easy ride for him. The sidewalks along our streets can be very bumpy, sometimes covered with rice or not there at all. We are ready for him to try riding without his training wheels but he keeps telling us he has to be 5 before he can learn. It is also a nice area for Maya as there are no cars for her to get underneath and she will chase down Zane and then run back to us. It is a good way to exercise as well due to the fact that trying to keep up with Zane, one might have to run at times.  The last time we went I took the camera so that I could show you the area. Zane and I both like to take snacks or a picnic lunch and sit on one of the piers, relax, talk and eat.

This is the beginning of the ride. Zane, Maya and our friend's dog Molly.

This is a view of the mountains around Waegwan.

Maya needed a break and Zane stopped to wait for us.

Zane and Jessica getting ready to cross the stone path to the other side.

Zane crossing the rocks. This past summer Maya jumped in here, and it was too deep, so she could cool off.

View towards the other end of the river walk.

Zane being silly. I couldn't figure out what he was doing here.

He was blowing his horn into his mouth.

Another view of the river walk.

A spider that Zane wanted me to take a picture  of, they are big, yellow and ugly!

Another stone path to the other side.If you go up the stairs in the back you will see lots and lots of rice fields. We bike in there too!

Getting ready to head back under the bride and head home.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Keys to Kingdom Living- Intimacy

Well I don't blog much but I feel that is going to start changing due to the tugging at my heart by God. This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the first PWOC Asia Region conference. For those who don't know PWOC= Protestant Women of the Chapel. There are many ways to break down that acronym in all reality. We are a group of women who come together weekly to fellowship, praise God and study His word. You can find PWOC on any military instillation no matter the size. I will say that being able to attend as been a wonderful and joyful experience. There have been quite a few ladies in this group who have been a wonderful blessing to me by allowing God to use them in so many wonderful ways that have truly brought me closer to God. I knew God had some sort of plan for us in bringing us to Korea and He is starting to show them to me but it has taken me awhile to get to that place with Him. This now brings me to my title of this blog.

 This past weekend at the conference the theme was Keys to Kingdom Living. The "keys" that we talked about in our main session were Intimacy, Simplicity and Legacy. I could talk about all three but at the moment God wants me to share with all of you about what took place in my heart last weekend. On the first night of the conference we talked, well listened, as the key speaker talked about Intimacy. I can believe that when we all think of intimacy we think about the type of intimacy that comes between a married couple or even with our children, family and friends. Well on this night we talked about the intimacy that comes from knowing and spending time with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  As our speaker said, "Intimacy- is an investment of time on our knees and in the word."   Okay- I can understand that and even get that as the more time we spend with God the more our intimate relationship with Him grows and the more time we want to spend with Him.  She also asked a couple of questions and the one that really got to me was. "What is it you have not yet released to God?"  I had to think about this and I did. I realized that I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior years ago but had I really released myself to Him, No I hadn't. Well I did this past weekend, I told Him, He could have every hair on my head, every freckle on my body, my husband, my son and my life. Let me tell you there is a new pep to my step. I don't have to "make time" to spend in the word as I can't wait to spend time in the word. I am currently reading 2 Peter and can't wait to see where He leads me next. I wake up praising God for the good night sleep or as in this past week the lack of but knowing that he would get me through the day. Those frustrating times that come with helping a 4 year old grow are changing. I am remaining calmer and seeking out God more and more in every situation that occurs. I have given Him everything and my burden, stress, seems to be disappearing.

God give us this command.  Matthew 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

He also says, Matthew 11:30 "My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

If we give it ALL to Him, He in turns give us what we need. The more time I spend with Him the more my eyes open to what He wants me to see, the more my heart loves Him and my loved ones, the more I listen the more I hear Him. It has been an amazing week and I have no idea where it went either!

I am sure that God will give me the chance to share about simplicity and legacy as well. Right now we are working on the intimacy part. I have realized that I also don't need to change the title of this blog either as it will still be about our adventures in Korea. It won't just be about the things we do or go and see but the adventures that God is taking us on as well. I have seen wonderful changes in all three of us and can't wait to see where God is taking us on this wonderful Adventure!

Love you all,


This is the group of us from the area we live in Korea that went to the conference. We had 40 ladies that went to the conference.  I know that God has wonderful things planned for this group and it is going to be amazing to see them unfold!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shabu Shabu

Last night we had dinner with friends at a Shabu Shabut restaurant. Shabu Shabu isn't Korean but Japanese but either way I love it! I decided that it was time to introduce Jim to the wonderful food and Zane as well. Zane didn't eat but played as this particular restaurant has an indoor play area. I also decided it was time to start taking pictures of some of the fun places we go and even eat at so we can share those experiences with you as well.  Shabu Shabu consists of thin slices of frozen meat or seafood, lots of fresh vegetable and a pot of boiling broth. You cook all of the food in the pot of boiling broth and then either eat alone or wrap it up in a lettuce leaf with rice, kim-che, garlic and all sorts of other goodies of your choice.
This was the bread and salad area of the buffet.

This had lettuce for wraps, sauces, garlic and other goodies.

This was full of fresh veggies: mushrooms, bean sprouts, zucchini, green onions and sea cucumber. 

This was all the meat: beef, pork belly, shrimp, muscles, and clams.

Back at the table getting ready to add the food to the broth.

Of course we didn't take any pictures of any one eating. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wine Tour

Earlier this week a friend of ours set up a wine tour independent of the ones that the military offers and we had a lot of fun. Zane didn't want to "go pick grapes" this morning but when we left this afternoon we asked him if he had fun and he said yes. We all did!

This is the outside of the winery. Notice what the building looks like.

This is the "house" where we got our instructions, made our wine, tasted and played games.

The row we chose to go down to get our grapes. 

Zane and his first bunch of grapes.

I am cutting my first bunch of grapes. 

Zane watching Jim cut his first bunch of grapes.

Zane cutting his second bunch of grapes.

Zane with all of his grapes.
 Me coming out of the vineyard with my grapes.

The container that will  hold our grapes. Right now it has gloves and sugar inside.
Zane trying to put on his plastic glove.

Zane putting his grapes into his container.

All of us crushing our grapes, well sort of, Zane is still putting his into his container.
Grapes waiting to be crushed.

Jim crushing his grapes while Zane watches.

Me crushing my grapes.

                                        Zane getting ready to try out the grape skin spitting contest.

Me getting ready to spit my grape skin. I came in 2nd!

Jim getting ready to spit his skin.

I hope that you all enjoy the pictures. Now we have to stir our wine twice a day for the next 7-10 days and make sure that the top was not on tight or we might have an explosion. Then we have to strain the wine and pour it into a wine bottle, filled almost to the top. Then it will have to sit again for 30 days, strain it again, pour it back into the bottle, put in the fridge then after 30 more days we can drink the wine. At least I think those are were the directions we were given. I do remember that being told that if we did leave enough room in the bottle for lots of oxygen to form that we would get vinegar. I think we are going to try that with one of the batches. I will keep you posted on how our wine turns out.

Love you all,

Saturday, August 6, 2011


This past week Zane and I attended Vacation Bible School for Area IV and we had a blast! The theme was Pandamania - Where God is Wild about You. The kids all had a wonderful time and every day was centered on a different theme of how God love us.  The kids were divided into 2 groups: preschool and elementary. Every days lesson was based on the age of the children and all of the volunteers did an awesome job of showing how God is Wild about You.

Day 1-  God made you.  The children all learned about the story of creation and how God made all of us. The pre-schooler's received Panda ears to wear all week. I think that Zane managed to wear his for part of day 1 at the most.
Zane, his friend David and his crew leader. They are in arts & crafts.  

Day 2- God listens to you. All the children learned the story of Elijah and how God sent fire down from heaven to Elijah's alter even after pouring water on the wood and rocks. God answered Elijah's prayer.

Day 3-God watches over you.  Today's lesson was about Jonah and the belly of the whale. The children learned that even when we choose to not listen to God, He will still watch over us and in the end we will do as He wants us too.  The elementary kids even got to sit inside "the belly of the whale," came complete with cans of sardines to give it life like feel. I don't have pictures as I didn't take my camera on a daily basis.

Day 4- God love you, no matter what. Today the lesson of Jesus dying on the cross for the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection- eternal life.

Day 5- God gives good gifts. Here the children talked about Hannah asking God to bless her with a baby. The children learned that God blesses us every day.

These pictures are from the last day of VBS.

Zane sitting with his crew during the morning gathering.

Zane and his friend David, dancing to the songs.

Zane and I at the end of the day.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rock Climbing II

I can honestly say that we have found an activity that we all like to participate in, Rock Climbing. We have been going for awhile and when we first started, our friends were kind enough to share their equipment. We now have our own which makes it a lot easier.  Today we all had a few challenges and overcame them.  Jim climbed a part of the wall he hadn't climbed before but it took awhile to figure out how to get the rope to the top. The day started with our friend, Randy, getting stung by a bee trying to get the rope to the top. We moved panels, away from the nest and had to figure it all out again. The door to the wall was locked so Danielle climbed over, opened the door and carried the rope to the top. I tried climbing the harder section and made it up about 3 panels, Zane made it up 1 maybe 2. We are all having a great time and will continue to go and get better. Zane climbed half-way up the side we normally climb and we are so proud of him. Of course I didn't get pictures of this as the camera battery died. I am sure he will climb again!

Jim climbing a section he hadn't climbed before until today.
 Jim is working on a section of the wall he hasn't climbed before. He kept getting stuck at the bump but I know that he will get it eventually.

Zane getting ready to climb. Zane and his friend, Johnny, seeing who is going to go the furthest.

Zane landing after "flying." He would much rather fly than climb but he gets right back up to climb again. He didn't quite seem to understand that he needed to climb higher in order to fly higher. I think he will figure it out one of these days!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This past weekend I went to the Signal Corps Regimental ball with my wonderful husband. We seem to attend one ball a year. Well after this past ball I have made a few decisions. I do enjoy getting to dress up like Cinderella and spend an evening with just my husband. The location of the ball was very nice, The Grand Hyatt in Seoul. During dinner the 8th Army Jazz Band played and they could have played all evening, wouldn't have bothered me at all.  The food was good as well. Anyway, back to why I am posting about this ball. The decisions I have made are: 1) I will no longer wear high heels, they are so over rated and I would rather have happy and comfortable feet than miserable feet that have been stuffed into heels. 2) I am going to learn to do my own hair. It is nice to have someone do your hair but after this past experience I think I might just teach myself. I started taking bobby pins out of my hair before the ball even started as they were digging into my head. My hair had gotten pulled, teased, and my poor head hurt from the stabbing of multiple bobby pins.  We had a good time and it was even better as we had a lot of friends in attendance. I supposed that I could do the hair thing again as it is only once a year but I am not so sure about the heels. I am now on the search for a cute pair of platform flip-flops that I can wear under a ball gown!

Before the ball began during the reception. The ice sculpture is the Signal Corps Regimental Insignia.
This was our salad. It was smoked salmon with chive and onion on top of a thin bread piece with quail eggs. It was pretty good!