Saturday, June 15, 2013


Last night was Zane's first t-ball game ever. He never really played on a team before but he has had some practice with t-ball in Korea. I must say it was a lot of fun although I learned a few new things. They only played 2 innings and I wouldn't even call them innings as they recorded no outs, although Zane's team had a few with him on 1st and every child on the team got to bat. As I was talking to Jim this morning I asked how this is good for the kids. I mean when some of them go to coach pitch next year are what are they going to think? Why not start with the correct rules in t-ball-3 outs per inning and 9 people on the field, not 15. There are some kids on all the teams who have the talent and skill and I am sure they would be willing to learn. Is this just a thing with Child and Youth Services sports, military, or is it like this in city recreation league? Am I that out of the loop? I know I am one that doesn't see how every child should get a trophy because as a teacher I have seen the damage that really does do to kids. In my mind it really does give them the wrong idea. Anyway, enough of my rant.

The game last night was fun! There was a lot of playing in dirt, mass groups attacks of a ball and directing of kids to run home, not back to first! Here are some pictures of the game. I will say that Z reminded me a lot of my brother when he was playing first base, standing there playing in the dirt! He was so dirty when we got home that Jim took his shoes and took the air compressor to them!

warming up before the game with some catch

getting positions from the coach

the 1st baseman

I guess the dirt is more enjoyable than the game!

getting ready to bat

back in the field for the second inning-he wasn't happy to be playing this position but will learn that all good ball players can play any position with their favorite!

the masses going after the ball

Zane being told it will be okay. He was having a meltdown because no one would let him get the ball!

another mass going for the ball

and another mass

Zane hitting!

I have a lot more pictures I wanted to post but blogger wasn't working with me this morning. One of these days I will make the switch from blogger to word press. 

Hope you enjoy!

Friday, May 17, 2013

New Home

We have finally moved into our new home. After living in a hotel for 7 or 8 weeks it is nice to be in the house. It is also nice to not have one bathroom for three people! The house is pretty empty at the moment but on the 24th of May we will have, if not all, most of our stuff. We know we will get our furniture and stuff from Korea but not sure when our goodies that have been in storage for 3 years will get here. Right now I think that stuff is on a truck somewhere between Georgia and Kansas.

Here are the pictures.

This is one of the front rooms. It will be a sitting room.

Future Office 

View of house from the front door

Hall closet with Harry Potter storage.

Living Room

eating area with new kitchen table


garage but home for the motorcycle

guest room or maybe Michael's room someday

Z's room
Our bedroom

bathroom-no more sharing of a sink!

Z's school-we now walk

Maya's turf-it will get fenced in as she won't go out by herself!

I will post more pictures of what it looks like with furniture after it is all unpacked and put away.

I do have a few more blogs to get up but can't get to the pictures at the moment. I promise I will share!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Organized Sledding

This is our 3rd and final winter in Korea and you would think that we would have gone sledding before this year. I mean come on now I am from Wisconsin and my hubby from North Dakota and we grew up playing in the snow come winter time. The past two winters we really hadn't seen much snow and so far this winter we have seen quite a bit for the area in which we live. And life does shut down for snow and not even a lot, like 2 or 3 inches but we have also had a lot of ice.  Well today 1 January 2013 we spent the day with some awesome friends and went sledding and then had a nice warm dinner of taco soup and some really spicy salsa.  So growing up as a kid we went sledding all over, where you could find a hill. I remember going sledding at Lemon Lake in Crown Point, Indiana when we lived there and at a few different places in Wisconsin with my relatives. I must say that todays experience was very new to all of us as it was organized, not just put your sled or toboggan down and go. No- we waited in lines for our turn and our "heat" to sled, then walked back up a carpeted, covered section of the hill to wait in line again. We all had a wonderful time and it even snowed big, white fluffy flakes but we didn't let that stop us. The other strange thing we encountered was that the hill took a 30 minute break so we had a few snacks.  So blogger has decided to upload the pictures in no particular order and that is okay because you still get to see the fun we had today!

Jim and Zane's first sled down the hill. 

The warming fire.

Attempting to toast marshmallows. The Korean's just watched in amazement!

It was hard to roast those marshmallows on little sticks.

Jim and I having a Korean snack of friend chicken, potatoes and rice cakes in a sweet and spicy sauce. It was really good!

Zane and Rylie playing in the snow.

Me- in the red jacket and white hat- my first run down the hill.

McKenna and I with Zane in the front.

Having so much fun!

 Waiting in line to sled.
Phillip and Rylie taking a run.

Off they go

My mom and Zane.

Down they go

Last run for me

Can't wait to get home and do some more sledding, tubing and maybe even some skiing!

Love you all,
