Saturday, November 13, 2010

Korean Hospitals Day 2

Well we went back to the hospital today for a follow-up appointment for Zane. We got there and the translator was with another patient so we had to wait, which was fine. The waiting room was much busier today than yesterday, must be a Saturday thing, and there were kids of all ages running around. We saw a different doctor today and she said things sound good. They gave Zane another nebulizer treatment and sent us on our way with more drugs. There were other kids in the treatment room so we had to wait. That is one of the differences between Western medicine and Korean medicine, everyone is in the same treatment room but then all the doctor's offices is where you see the doctor. She didn't even come out from behind her desk, Zane had to sit on a stool next to her desk to have his lungs listened too. We left today with a long list of drugs, which we looked up upon getting home to see what we are giving our little boy. He has a good antibiotic, a natural expectorant and a patch for his chest. We decided not to give him what they called, an anti-inflammorty, which was a steroid, and we never gave it to him. It has been an interesting experience.

These are the bags that all the medicine got sent home in along with the dosing directions in English. We though you all might enjoy seeing the packaging.

Zane is doing great and back to being himself. He was up at 7:30 this morning and has been going strong. We had to get him to lay down and rest for a bit in our room with a movie. He would much rather be outside playing but we think he needs to take it easy for another day.

Liz, Jim and Zane

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