Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rock Climbing

Zane starting his climb with some help from Jim.


Where does one start when talking about rock climbing. I have wanted to try climbing for awhile now and well today we got the chance.  Zane has climb a rock wall at the indoor play area and enjoyed his time.  Today all of us went climbing and I think we might be looking at a new family hobby! We were very blessed to have friends introduce us to this activity and share their gear with us- down to a harness for Zane! We have, let me say Jim, has already checked out prices on-line.  Zane had some problems climbing as his arms and legs are long enough to reach all of the hand holds. Jim climbed up about 4 times and a couple of those where after he got dropped by me, his wife who was on belay and gave up skin as well. He said falling and I had the rope locked- next thing I know he was falling and I was grabbing the rope- of course using the hand that wasn't wearing the glove. Our friends, Randy and Danielle where there to help and Jim didn't crash but did have a "fast" landing! He got right back up and went climbing again. Lessons learned: don't grab rope with non-gloved hand-yes there are blisters- and make sure if you weigh less then the climber you find a way to tie yourself down!  I did climb once and made it almost to the top. I didn't look down, wouldn't have been good and would have climbed again if I hadn't given up my skin! We will go back and continue this new found adventure!

Liz starting to climb.
Jim climbing.

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