Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy or Not

Well it hasn't been that long since I last posted anything but we really haven't done anything either. We have had a game night with friends and had a lot of fun. The ladies all tried a few new recipes from Pinterest and they are all incredible! That web site is so addicting!  We have had some long weekends and lots of family time but not sure where the busy has been. This past week Zane and I both had a 24 hour stomach bug and we are both back to being normal and eating again. I was so grateful for Jim being home this past Saturday so that I could sleep and not have to do the mommy/wife thing. He even gave up a 100 mile Freeze ride- on his motorcycle, so that I could get better. Maya, our dog, even kept me company all day. If I was awake she was snuggled right up next to me and if I was asleep, she would move away. Now why she can't do that on those special occasions when we let her sleep with us I will never know.

Ok-back to my title- as you can see I like to ramble. I was thinking yesterday of the word busy and how there are times when I really am busy, times when I am not and times when I think I am because I am probably spending too much time doing something else. I have often thought about, "how did I do all of this when I was, we were both working?"  We really did work together. Now with me being home I really don't ask for help unless I have been BUSY throughout the week and need the help. I am very involved with PWOC, Protestant Women of the Church, and love working with them and of course keeping Zane occupied. There are those days where I have nothing to do and feel like the whole world is collapsing because I have so much to do. I will be honest on those days where I am really not "busy" you can usually find me on Facebook or Pinterest. I am addicted to both of those as I do love seeing what my friends are all doing all over the world and I love checking out all the new recipes and things to do on Pinterest.  I will give Pinterest some credit though as it has given me some great ideas and things to do with Zane. Last week we made elephant toothpaste and it was a lot of fun!

I know that I need to not spend so much time on Facebook or Pinterest and I really need to stop. I have started to try and get up earlier, not working so well, so that I can get my quiet time in before the little man wakes up. My goal is to get quiet time in and a workout in before he wakes up as in just a few weeks he will be at home with me until the fall. We will be doing school but I want to make sure I get my "me" time in as it does make me a better mommy and wife.  The next time you find yourself "busy," ask yourself if you really are busy or if you are creating the busy. I am going to do my best to stop "creating the busy," and do what God is calling me to do- spend more time with Him, working on me, being a mom and wife. If I stop, which I can, the "busy," the rest seems to be easier and life doesn't seem to be so or feel so hectic.

                  This is just all of us being silly and seeing if we can get the timer to work on the camera.

Zane waiting patiently for the Elephant toothpaste to appear.

It started to foam over the bottle and I was getting him to put his hands in the mixture.

Trying to catch the toothpaste as it came out of the bottle.

Zane just being Zane. He built this bear when he was 10 months old and has just started to carry him around.

Love and Miss you all,


Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Little Man and Prayer

A few months ago I found this great website, www.inspiredtoaction.com, and printed the calendar so that I could start praying daily for Zane. I also found one on there for husbands and printed that off as well. I didn't so so great in following the calendar at that time in regards to praying for either of my boys. I decided that I would start with the new year and follow along with the dates.  I am doing great and I can say that I am seeing changes in my little man.  I know that prayer has a lot to do with it as does his growing up but I tend to think it is more God!  I thought I would share a few stories that have happened in the past few days with Zane and I just know it is all God!

Zane has always been a sweet and loving little man but there have been challenges as well. He is a product of Jim and I and is just as stubborn as we both can be.  The past few days he has been not showing his stubbornness and starting to do as we ask.  Things just seem to be getting easier.  He isn't arguing with us much when he is asked to do things either. I know that we are changing too as God doesn't change just one part of the body.

Story time:

Last night Zane decided to tell us that he needed new shoes. He said that his shoes where too tight and small. I had to think about when we got the shoes, last May and bought them big, so I was shocked. He tried them on and had Jim check out his toe location and yep they are way too small. Zane started to cry as we think he thought he was going to get into trouble for needing shoes. We told him that wasn't true and he snuggled up into his daddy's arms.  Zane then proceeded to try on all his shoes to make sure that they still fit. He had so much fun and he already has his new shoes picked out, in his mind. He wants the shoes that his friend David got but I am not so sure they will have those anymore. Guess we shall see what he picks out at the store when we go shopping today.

This morning Zane was being very quiet in the bathroom, and I went to see what he was doing. He was cleaning the bathroom for me with baby wipes. In the past when we have asked him to help he would walk away but the past week he has been very helpful. I didn't laugh when he I saw him but gave him a great big hug and told him thank you!   I shared the story with Jim and he was just as amazed as I was. I know that God is hearing our prayers and I have to say that I am loving the  results! I know that we will still have challenges as we have many more years ahead of us but I love this little man more and more every day!

I am not going to stop praying for either of my boys, Jim or Zane. And the more I pray the more my love for them and God grows!

Love you all,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year

I look at that title and wonder what it really means. Yes it is a new year 2012 to be exact and I have no doubt that there is a lot in store for us in this year.  We didn't so much to ring in the New Year this year as Jim had duty on 1 January and we really just wanted to have a quiet night in, barely made it until midnight. My mom was with us for New Year's and we had a nice visit. The mail system has been slow so I got lots of Christmas letters while my mom was here and I felt bad as I hadn't sent out cards or letters in 2 years. My mom asked, "have you blogged anything new?"   I said, "No."  And that is when I realized I could share 2011, and what we are looking forward too in 2012!

 I have to say that it went by very quickly! Jim got promoted to CW2 and is working very hard.  I can't say much more than that but I know I have seen him grow in many ways!

Zane- finished his 1st year of Korean school and started his second. We learned he is allergic to a certain mold in Korea and spent a lot of time battling pneumonia. He is now on allergy medication 24 hours a day and it helps keep him healthy.   Zane had a fun summer, out of school, we went to the pool almost daily, he went to VBS and had a blast. Other than that he is your typical 4 year old, loves to play and have fun!

Liz- has stayed busy taking care of the family and very active with PWOC, Protestant Women of the Chapel. I can say that I am right where God wanted me to be and loving it! I never thought that I would enjoy being a stay at home mom and sometimes wonder how I did it all when I worked!

As a family we discovered the love for the outdoors. We went hiking and bike riding-which we will do again when it gets a little warmer out. And we feel in love with rock climbing thanks to some wonderful friends. We are ready to get back to climbing and warmer weather! As it gets warmer you will find us outside doing something and yes the dog goes go with us!

2012-  This year there are going to be lots of changes in the Heiser home.  I have adopted a verse for the family and myself because it fits with all that is going to happen.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I am not sure what plans He has outside of what we all ready know.

Here we go:

-sometime this year we will receive orders to depart Korea in March 2013. We aren't sure where we want to go but places like Ft. Carson, Colorado Springs, Fort Riley, Kansas and either Ft. Meade or Ft. Detrick in Maryland. Now we do know that family would love for us to come home but if the offer is made to go to Europe, Italy or Spain, you will all just have to come and visit us unless we are told otherwise.

-Zane will be 5 at the end of March. We can't believe it, where has the time gone. He will be finishing his second year of Korean school in a few weeks and then staying home with me, mommy, until September when he starts kindergarten! Please say a prayer for us as I do have lots of plans for he and I but hoping that we can make it through the next few months!

-My brother, Brian, will be coming over at the end of March to help Zane celebrate his 5th birthday. Zane has no idea and is going to go crazy when he sees my brother. We are going to head over to China, all of us, to hang out with my mom in Beijing for about 5 days then head to her town of Kunming and do some more site seeing. After that we are planning spending a week on the beach in Thailand. I am looking forward to the time away!

I just know that if I keep my mind on the verse, Jeremiah 29:11 and on the Lord that we will have a great year! It has been a lot of fun to see Him working in our family!

We love and miss you all! I am not promising anything but I will try to get better with blogging!

Not sure what I was thinking.

Jim being himself and taking a break!

Zane being himself!