Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy or Not

Well it hasn't been that long since I last posted anything but we really haven't done anything either. We have had a game night with friends and had a lot of fun. The ladies all tried a few new recipes from Pinterest and they are all incredible! That web site is so addicting!  We have had some long weekends and lots of family time but not sure where the busy has been. This past week Zane and I both had a 24 hour stomach bug and we are both back to being normal and eating again. I was so grateful for Jim being home this past Saturday so that I could sleep and not have to do the mommy/wife thing. He even gave up a 100 mile Freeze ride- on his motorcycle, so that I could get better. Maya, our dog, even kept me company all day. If I was awake she was snuggled right up next to me and if I was asleep, she would move away. Now why she can't do that on those special occasions when we let her sleep with us I will never know.

Ok-back to my title- as you can see I like to ramble. I was thinking yesterday of the word busy and how there are times when I really am busy, times when I am not and times when I think I am because I am probably spending too much time doing something else. I have often thought about, "how did I do all of this when I was, we were both working?"  We really did work together. Now with me being home I really don't ask for help unless I have been BUSY throughout the week and need the help. I am very involved with PWOC, Protestant Women of the Church, and love working with them and of course keeping Zane occupied. There are those days where I have nothing to do and feel like the whole world is collapsing because I have so much to do. I will be honest on those days where I am really not "busy" you can usually find me on Facebook or Pinterest. I am addicted to both of those as I do love seeing what my friends are all doing all over the world and I love checking out all the new recipes and things to do on Pinterest.  I will give Pinterest some credit though as it has given me some great ideas and things to do with Zane. Last week we made elephant toothpaste and it was a lot of fun!

I know that I need to not spend so much time on Facebook or Pinterest and I really need to stop. I have started to try and get up earlier, not working so well, so that I can get my quiet time in before the little man wakes up. My goal is to get quiet time in and a workout in before he wakes up as in just a few weeks he will be at home with me until the fall. We will be doing school but I want to make sure I get my "me" time in as it does make me a better mommy and wife.  The next time you find yourself "busy," ask yourself if you really are busy or if you are creating the busy. I am going to do my best to stop "creating the busy," and do what God is calling me to do- spend more time with Him, working on me, being a mom and wife. If I stop, which I can, the "busy," the rest seems to be easier and life doesn't seem to be so or feel so hectic.

                  This is just all of us being silly and seeing if we can get the timer to work on the camera.

Zane waiting patiently for the Elephant toothpaste to appear.

It started to foam over the bottle and I was getting him to put his hands in the mixture.

Trying to catch the toothpaste as it came out of the bottle.

Zane just being Zane. He built this bear when he was 10 months old and has just started to carry him around.

Love and Miss you all,


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