Saturday, July 28, 2012

Diving Boards

It is hot here in Waegwan and electricity gets very expensive in the summer so we tend to try and not run the ac but find other things to do that will keep us cool. We have been at the pool daily since it has gotten hotter and Zane is turning into a fish!  Zane is getting much better with his swimming skills and he will start taking more lessons as well. Today he decided that he wanted to give the swimming test a try so that he could go off of the diving board. He has been watching the "big kids" go off the board and really watching those who can truly dive. He has been jumping off the side of the pool but I guess that got old. He took the swimming test, my  mom was in the water next to him but he swam 25 meters all on his own! Then he had to tread water for 1 minute and he did but had a hard time staying still. The lifeguards were leery of letting him go off of the boards by himself so Jim or I have to be in the water with him. I forgot how tired one can get treading water! I got a great workout!  Here are some pictures of the little man jumping off of the diving board. We are going to have many more swimming lessons and are thinking that diving lessons might not be far behind! 
Zane doing a star jump off of the side of the pool.

first jump off of the diving board with me close by

getting some help to the side

another jump

and the final one of the day as Zane was getting tired.

Hope you are all enjoying your summer and finding ways to stay cool!

Love you all,

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Wow! he is really something! I think we might see him in the Olympics in a few years! :) Love the pictures, they are great action shots! You must have a really nice camera. Thanks for sharing, love seeing the little guy! :)

    Grandma & PopPop :)
